if you don’t like your work,
you’ll need three times the energy:
to force yourself to work,
to resist the force,
and finally to work.

if you love your work,
your desire to do it
will be like a wind
to propel your ship
with much less fuel.

if you like your work,
you work no more -
for work, when you like it,
is work no longer,
but sheer enjoyment!

if you enjoy your work,
you’ll work and work
without counting the hours –
and you’ll reap and enjoy
more earnings as well.

- H.L. Neri

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2 Responses
  1. Anonim Says:

    If you for a second, half a second, don't believe in what you're doing - whether it's your personal brand or the product you represent - you need to get out now. We only get to place this game one time. One life.

  2. Gema Says:

    your're gonna love this post

Thank you for your comment, i really appreciate it

Gema Pramugia